Renaissance Training Rediscover yourself


Women at a Crossroads

Starts again in September 2024!

An engaging and transformational personal development course for women. Find out more »

Women returners

A six-morning workshop for women planning to return to work after a career break. We look at our strengths; how we can overcome the obstacles (real or perceived) that can get in our way; and how to set realistic and achievable goals.

“Feeling more positive and confident about myself in terms of applying for jobs and returning to work”

“I have now recognised my goals and realised how I might achieve them”




Surviving and Thriving

(Co-facilitated with my TA colleague Paul Robinson)

An eight-day personal development course for anyone wishing to improve their communication skills at work and at home. It can be particularly helpful for people facing redundancy or unemployment. We meet once a month for eight months. This course is interactive, challenging (in a safe way) and fun.

“Jenny was my teacher when I encountered the curious school of psychology called Transactional Analysis for the first time, on a course she co-facilitated called "Surviving and Thriving”. She demonstrated to me that, as well as knowing their stuff, the best teachers can be vulnerable, candid, and are still students themselves. I enjoyed the learning environment and the process that she created and, nearly 10 years later, I’m still applying the things I learned then to my work and my life now. Of all the professional development I’ve undertaken in my career, this was the course that had the greatest impact on me.“

“Attending Surviving and Thriving was my introduction to Transactional Analysis. With no exaggeration, the course was utterly life changing and TA continues to be a part of my life 6 years later. This transformational experience was largely due to Jenny's approach as a highly skilled and engaging facilitator. Jenny led the co-creation of a safe, intimate and enjoyable learning environment. By bravely and willingly sharing her own vulnerabilities, participants felt safe to share and explore their own experiences with the group. TA models were brought to life, enabling participants to gain extensive insights and understanding into their own patterns and behaviours. Jenny's humility and humour helped to build trust, which facilitated some deep learning.”

Get in touch

I'm always happy to answer questions and provide more details about my workshops and services.

I'm based near Woodbridge in Suffolk, UK. Please don't hesitate to get in touch.