Personal & professional development by Jenny Labbett

Hello, I’m Jenny. I’m a trainer, facilitator and coach with many years’ experience in the public, private and voluntary sectors in the UK. I’ve run my own IT consultancy for over 20 years. After training as a coach, I set up Renaissance Training in 2009, focusing on personal and professional development.
My training and development workshops, which deliver transformative and sustainable change, are based on Transactional Analysis.
Jenny on training and Transactional Analysis
I was introduced to Transactional Analysis by my coaching supervisor in 2006. It felt, for me, like coming home. At last I had a set of models for understanding myself and the world around me, and the tools to help me become a more effective trainer, coach and human being. It now informs all aspects of my life and work.
Women at a Crossroads
Starts again in September 2024!
An engaging and transformational personal development course for women. Find out more »